love life

Love live life - Atishay Jain

why don't people Love and live life can we say to life you are the love of my life and makes life happy, life is so beautiful so lets makes journey of life better and live with happiness and feel happy


A wish from god

If you ever get a chance to make a wish from God Don't Ever wish for knowledge or mind, just wish for luck, bcoz i have seen people with knowledge or mind have been working under the people who have luck.


cherish your life

If you are unhappy from your life if you want to cherish your life just do one thing, replace your worry with hope. And fulfill your hope with action. Send positive thoughts to your most troubling situation. Soon you will find yourself starting to act on those thoughts that will help you your dreames comes true.

most beautiful kid

Most beautiful life

we can say to our life that you are the love of my life yeah the life is amazing if you live it to the full. Don't hurt anybody in life be nice and always give love.

young heart

A Young Heart

Let me share with you some aspects of life with young heart, the life is so beautiful in childhood. Yes, life is indeed beautiful for those who know how to live nice

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

college life - tips for dorms

How to Organize Your Life in College

The Decision

Did I choose the right college and the right course? Should I move out, or travel up every day? And if I move, where will I live? Do we have the money?

Once the student makes a final decision, a new phase of the college process begins. Suddenly, all the uncertainty that marked the preceding months is over, replaced by the need to get ready for college life. This part of my blog includes all aspects of the things that almost we all did in our college life. I have done my engineering from Walchand institute of technology, Solapur, India. What I found in my life it never matters what the place was from where you have completed your college life. This post is dedicated to my best friend Pia Jain who is also a dorm and just commences her college life. All the very best to Pia for her 4 years of this awesome college life.

Begin of college – A New change

There are many things that need to be done, from finding a place to live during the academic year, to buying all the needed books, supplies, notebooks and extra clothes, to actually moving out of your family home. At the heart of our fears is the unknown. That’s why we’re afraid of the dark, and afraid of change, and afraid of death. Because we don’t know what they’re like.

New People – Time to Get out of the Dorm

How are you going to enjoy college all cooped up in that tiny dorm? The number one tip is to get out and hang out with friends, meet people, expand your horizons, and do something new every day. People say that college is the best part of their lives, wreck less fun, wild parties, and hot girls will not be in your dorm room. Get out and enjoy the college life, give your roommate some alone time, and brush up on those social skills. But what these people don’t seem to realize is that, in the first few weeks of college, almost everyone will be in the same position

as them. Virtually no-one will know anyone else, and everyone will be looking to make friends. If a few of your friends or acquaintances do end up going to the same college as you, that’s great- as long as you don’t end up hanging around solely with them, and no-one new. The whole

point of the college experience is to meet new people and make new friends.

New Roommates in hostel

The dorm rooms are incredibly small and it is often difficult for people to live in such close quarters, especially if they are used to having their own room. Respect your roommate and give him some privacy, respect his wishes and he will do the same for you. Remember the golden rule. Me and my roommate have set up a system to let each other know if we shouldn’t enter, and we usually respect each others private space. Everyone is going to want some alone time every now and then and if they don’t get it they will become agitated. Don’t be a

tool and respect your roommate, Moving from secondary school to college is a tremendous leap that often involves moving to a strange house in a strange city, often with people you barely even know, so it’s natural to feel a little apprehensive at first. The important thing is not to panic or instantly decide you don’t like it there, but rather give yourself a few weeks to settle in.

Home sickness

It's very common to become homesick when you first move into a dorm. Especially if you're within driving distance of home, you may be tempted to go back within your first few weeks because of that feeling Another common problem college-goers experience when starting college, or even starting back after a whole summer spent at home, is home-sickness. Of course you will miss your family and friends from home, but don’t despair. Try to avoid doing so and instead give yourself time to experience your new surroundings. Look into college programs on campus that can help keep you engaged in the campus social life. You’ll still be able to keep in touch with them though the phone and Face book, and unless you live very far away from your college, you’ll be able to come home to see them every weekend.

New interactions/ Friends

With the first day of college just around the corner, the main concern seems to be- Are my friends going to the same college as me? Many fresher’s are worried that they won’t know anyone there and will find it very hard to make friends. So try not to be too shy- strike up conversations with everyone you meet. Like that guy in the library who always smiles at you, or the girl you bump into every evening at the doors to the residences.All it takes is a simple “Hi, how are you?” to begin a conversation and, often, a lasting friendship.

College Depression

If you're a freshman year college student and you're having some homesickness, don't forget that your family may be having a harder time than you. Call home and contact your family on a regular basis to help ease their transition to your college life. Staying in touch with your family and friends can help keep your spirits high. And don't hesitate to contact a school counselor if your feelings of homesickness persist, or you start to feel lonely or depressed, because counselors have great college freshman tips to share. Those tips listed above will help you avoid college depression, college anxiety, or feelings of being home sick or bipolar. There are a lot of college depression facts that show a correlation of college success vs. college drop outs. So be sure to seek help if you feel you are starting to struggle with any of these feelings.

New groups / societies

College makes it very easy to meet new people. You can meet people through academic activities such as lectures and tutorials, as well as through the many different groups and societies that your college has to offer. Want to learn to juggle, or dance likes a hip-hop star? Don’t be afraid, and join all the societies that interest you. Societies are a great and easy way to meet young people with similar interests to you

Not at All What You Thought

Almost all college courses follow a troubling pattern – front loading information and back loading assignments. Too many courses begin with lots of reading and little in the way of written work only to end with major projects and papers due just as semester exams approach.

Boring Classes

It goes without saying that it is extremely important that you go to all of your classes every week. Your professor will not only spend class time on the subject matter, he or she will also help you identify how class projects and homework assignments will be graded and what you will need to know for tests. Lastly, remember – taking notes is also a form of participation. Jot down everything that appears relevant, especially the information presented in overheads, in power points or written on the board. And if you are not good at note taking, get a tape recorder and record the class.


Yes, it does come down to the fact that you will need to study. But when it comes to studying, forget those stories about the all-night cram sessions, the weekend in a motel room with nothing but your books, some Ramen noodles and your hot water pot. Simply stated, cramming sucks, from an emotional standpoint and from an academic preparation standpoint.

In college it is truly the story of the tortoise and the hare. You need to be a turtle, slow and steady wit

h an emphasis on the word steady. The key is to do a small amount of work every day.

Poor Grades

Most college students struggle with certain courses. After all, some classes are more difficult than others.But most students earn their highest grades in the courses related to their choice of major.One sign you have made the wrong choice of major is that you are struggling to handle the demands of the core courses that set the foundation for your field of study.

Exams time: Find a Quiet Place to Study

It is imperative that whenever you are reading challenging materials or preparing for an exam you have a quiet place where you can truly disappear. It might be the back stacks at the library, the basement lounge at your dorm or a study area in one of your campus classroom buildings. Ultimately, you must utilize this place whenever you need to find some real quiet time

Where’s the party at?

Do not waste your time and energy tweeting or status updating about what party you’re at, which one has the most alcohol, or how wasted you just got. Not good, just not good. It’s great that you’re part of the campus scene, living it up, but kindly keep such moments to yourself. In everyday life and online, you have to be presentable and respectable in networking situations. Don’t throw all judgment out the window because college is supposed to be the time of your life.

End of College Life...: The last moments

No matter what worries you have about starting college, you should certainly still be excited! College is well-known for the great social life it brings. T

hink of the clubs, the themed parties, the uproarious conversations with random strangers, the crazy dares.... no wonder college years are called the best years of our lives! But don’t take my word for it- you’ll soon find out for yourselves!

My experience of college life says:

Such embarrassing moments may have made you want to hide your face in the ground. But these moments become memorable anecdotes that you will one day share with your kids.

Complete the sentence “College life makes ________!” in the comments below. We’ll feature the best comments on our next show.


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